Recent content by Cole Novak

  1. Cole Novak

    Strymon Timeline Looper Controls--A Better Way?

    I have my PBC Looper page setup with an IA Cycle for the Record button (like fevzay's previous post) and it solves this problem. The Record, Play, and Stop buttons still don't interact with each other like they do on the TimeLine, but the Record button itself is pretty close. First press...
  2. Cole Novak

    [DONE] Setlist Scroll

    It would be great if there was a way to quickly switch between setlists by assigning buttons to scroll up or down through them. Similar to the Setlist option in the System actions list, but instead of instantly pulling up a pre-programmed setlist number, you could assign one button to Setlist +...
  3. Cole Novak

    Setlist Options

    It would be great if there were some options that allowed you to clear, copy and paste in the Setlist tab of the editor.