Advice setting up a midi expression pedal



I’m building a board and using a Boss EV-30 expression pedal to control 4 midi pedals (H9, Mobius, Volante & Jet Revelation).

I’m having trouble getting the H9 to work from the PBC 6x. The pedal works fine when connected directly to the H9, but I need to get it working over midi. All 4 pedals are on separate midi channels.

My coding for the H9 is - H9: Exp Pedal / CC Toggle #17 off:0 on:127. If this is correct, it is not working.

My second question is that for each Expression pedal setting, there are up to 2 pedals catered for. Is it advisable to set up separate Expression Pedal settings on the Global page with one assigned to each of the single pedals and then additional Expression pedal settings where a combination of 2 are needed to work on a preset.

My third question relates to turning on and off individual pedals as I will be using 3 of these on one loop, so I have to use midi to select which is on or off. My question is whether the expression pedal setting also needs a message to turn on that pedal or if this is better dealt with under the preset where the pedal is being used.

My final question is whether it’s possible to set up a button which when pressed will turn on the H9, send a PC to where I have my wah setting saved and also turn on the expression pedal to use with the H9. That could be a global setting or a second press from something - not sure if anyone has done this and what they found works best.

I’ll be setting up the PBC with an external aux switch where those will be assigned to next or previous preset to be used with the set list mode.

I answered a few of these on your other post, but the last two questions are new. There are a lot of ways to do these things, and largely it's a matter of personal preference and how you plan to use the Mastermind. But, it's certainly possible to set up a button to enable a pedal, change its preset and set up the expression pedal. That's just a CC Toggle action, PC action and ExpPedal action.

Those same actions can be placed in a preset as well, but if you do have a button set up to do all those things listed above, then I recommend turning on Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change on the button, and then programming that button to turn on and off automatically for each preset. This will be less work in the long run and has the added benefit of keeping the button in sync with the pedal's state.