"Alt Preset" function... What is it?

I posted this in response to your message in the PBC forum, but I'll also post it here, with a few more details:

Alternate preset lets you stack 2 presets on one button. Let's say that you set up presets 1-4 with alternate presets 101-104. When you press the first preset button, it will load preset 1. If you press the first preset button again, it will load its alternate preset, preset 101. Pressing it a third time will return you to preset 1.

In song & setlist mode, you would create the alternate presets separately, not as part of the song. It'll still load the alternate presets even though they're not "officially" part of the current song.

To set it up, set Preset 2nd Press to Alternate (in Global settings). Then, in each preset, edit Alt Preset to select a specific preset number.