Fractal FM3 Preset Change as AI on PCB 6x

Robert Payne

Well-Known Member
Hi Ron, what is the setting I need to recall a fractal FM3 preset as AI? so, I can change a loop, scene, and a fractal preset with one button change?
You would add individual actions to the IA button:

FM3 PC off:None on:1 (or whatever preset you want)
FM3 CC Toggle #34 off:None on:0 (for scene 1, replace with scene number minus 1 if you want a different scene)
Audio / Loop #1 off:OFF on:ON
Ok, thank you! what seems to be happening is that on my "scenes" page on the PBC, I can select the correct scene, but once I hit the preset button, it goes immediately to scene 8 on the FM3
Check your scene buttons, make sure that Send on Preset Change is not turned on for any of them.
Ok, I've got the scenes to switch, I needed to uncheck Direct send CC/PC on the device tab. the PC still won't recall though. the PC button will select it, but the preset won't
Please send me your settings file and I should be able to figure out what's going on.
Edit every one of your scene selecting buttons as well as the PC sending buttons on pages 3 and 4. Turn off the Send on Preset Change checkbox on them. That should do it.
ok, so I edited both the scene bottons and the PC buttons, but that gave me the same problem as before, the scenes selecting scene 8 to matter what, BUT I just unchecked the boxes for PC, and it worked!