IA buttons that triggers different IA buttons


Well-Known Member
I don’t know if this is possible so I’m throwing it out here. My page 1 is set up so that I have 4 presets en 2 IA buttons in the first row. I see the IA buttons as ‘add-ons’ to color my preset. Right now I have a deja vibe under one and a warped vinyl under the second. I would like to define those IA buttons per preset. I know I can achieve this with local button pages and assign these IA buttons manually but is there maybe a smarter way to make these buttons into triggers that select a loop or PC that I have set up in one of my other pages per preset? I would like to treat these IA buttons the same way as presets (save them with ‘send on preset change’) but still use them as an add-on for the preset that I can turn on or off on page one. I hope that I make myself clear here…
I don't think there's a way to make a button behave differently across different presets, outside of making it part of a local button page. Happy to be corrected if I'm mistaken though.
You still need to have buttons operate differently in different presets. This requires the use of local pages, unless you can fit all of the possible options within the 16 global pages.

Once you've done that, then you could use Set IA / IA ID to have buttons on page 1 control buttons on the local page.