MM External Switch Module expansion idea


New Member
RJM newby here. Quickly finding out I need more than the single MEGX (ordering another today) and GT/16 currently offer. I didn't go with the GT/22 cause I originally didn't think I needed it and am also kinda clumsy so tapping over that much (top to bottom) real estate isn't ideal for me.
I see there's options to add four external switches which is fine but I think folks in similar situations finding they need more than originally thought... could jump onboard with this as well.
New product idea (apologize if it's been suggested previously) If RJM could develop a four switch expansion module with screens with connectivity to a base unit and functions the same as the onboard base unit switches... would be the cats meow. It would be powered by the master unit, connect to any of the GT series and offer flexibility to existing MM users. We'd get four additional full function switches with screens in a horizontal config for clumsy dudes like me.

Might have to be an upgrade service offered where we send our GT's in for an update and connecting port added...but I'd do it in a heart beat.
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