Mounting/Powering a Switch Gizmo inside combo amp cabinet?


New Member
I just purchased a Switch Gizmo. While I've seen pics these units mounted directly on pedalboards, I'd prefer to permanently mount it inside the cab of a Mesa Lonestar Special 2X12 combo. (That way I don't have to run a pair of TRS cables back from my pedalboard to the amp; instead I can use a single midi cable to control Channel Select, Boost and Reverb On/Off. Fewer cables simplifies setup and tear down at every gig -- a major plus!)

My plan is to mount a small power bar inside the combo's cab to which I'd connect the Gizmo's AC adapter and the amp's power cord, then use the power bar's AC connection to power both units. I'm wondering if I can expect ground loop issues in a scheme like that? The Switch Gizmo's AC adapter should isolate the unit from the Boogie, but electricity ain't really my friend, if you follow me!

Did some searching in the forums but couldn't turn up anything related to mounting a Switch Gizmo directly inside an amp. Has anyone heard of people mounting Switch Gizmos in this fashion? Thanks!
I'll echo what I sent via email: I know people have tried this with Mini Amp Gizmos, not sure about Switch Gizmos, but they're very similar. Just try to keep the Gizmo away from the tubes and speakers as much as possible.

If anyone here has a Switch Gizmo or Mini Amp Gizmo inside a combo cabinet, please let us know about your experience with it!
I started to do something similar, although with an Express 5:50 2 x 12 and another company's switcher. Ultimately, I abandoned it because I went to rack mounted amp. I will qualify all of this with the fact that I have a higher comfort level with electricity.

I don't see it any more likely that you'd have a ground issue with ths plan. Keeping everything as compact as possible was a concern for me. I happend to have a 14ga extention cord that had an in-line outlet. My plan was to cut the end off the cord so that the in-line outlet would be 8" or so from the end, and use this to replace the amp's power cord. I could then mount the outlet and wall wart to the inside of the cabinet, as well as the switcher. I'm guessing the inside of the Lonestar is similar, spacewise to the Express. It should be able to be done. You might need to think outside the box a little. Good luck with it.