PBC6X - preset saving with multiple midi pedals


New Member
Hi all, I’m about to finish setting up a board that has almost all midi capable pedals that let you save additional presets by sending them program changes.

I understand how to do this for each pedal and I’ve read the PBC manual and watched the RJM video that shows how to do this from the settings on the PBC itself.

What I’m struggling to get my head around is the preset management on the PBC itself.

Basically all I want to do is sit down with the board, experiment and make some sounds, and then use the PBC to save those to the pedal preset slots. I would then go to PBC preset two, then three, then four etc and repeat the process.

Is this the best way to approach it?

I think the main part worrying me is the save procedure if i have changed settings on several of the pedals. I think this would be fine if I can latch them all in Save mode, but what if they all need the switches physically held down? If I understand correctly, using the PBC to send a PC message to save a preset on one pedal will send the corresponding PC messages for other pedals that have been enabled on the preset? So any changes on those pedals will be lost if they weren’t also in save mode? Is there a quick way to stop the PBC sending messages to them until I can go through and save each pedal individually (other than pull their midi cables)?

Apologies for the rambling question, hopefully it makes sense.
Having pedals that require a PC message while storing does make it a little trickier. From what you described above, probably the best bet would be to create a page of buttons that have an action like this PC off:None on:Same. Pressing this button will send the last selected PC message again, to one specific pedal. If you have one of these buttons per pedal, you can store to each individual pedal without disturbing the settings of the others.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I realise from reading your post I’d made a basic mistake in understanding how this worked for my pedals.

It’s actually for all of them: send PC message to set memory location; save procedure on pedal; done.

For some reason I had it backwards and thought the procedure for saving on the pedals was: put into save mode; send PC message; done.

Actually, looking again at the Strymon save procedures I can see where I made the mistake, you put them into save mode and then you can if you want send it a PC message to save to a location other than the one you’re currently on. I think that was the detail I remembered as the procedure and not just as an option.

So I think I just need to set up each of the RJM presets to send a PC to the next most memory location on each pedal, and then if I edit the pedal I just do the save procedure on the pedal and I’m good. Does that sound about right?
It depends on the pedal you have. Chase Bliss pedals definitely use the "PC last" method in your first message. The last time I tested Strymon pedals, it also was PC last. It's certainly possible that they changed the firmware, though. It's been a while.

The Mastermind will automatically set up pedals so that PCs are sent sequentially for each preset. Preset 1 sends PC#0, preset 2 sends PC#1, etc. So, yes, you should be able to just save each preset and not worry about PC numbers on the Mastermind. At least, as long as you don't try to create more presets than your pedals can support.