
I set my RJM up in slave mode, not realizing that it causes no presets from the Kemper to be programmed, the RJM controls it. Is there a way to use slave mode but still have all of the stomps programmed? I want it to read the stomps settings for the verse and then immediately change to the chorus settings when chorus preset is pressed.
If you're using it in slave mode, those settings are done on the GT. For example, if you want to have specific effects turn on for the verse preset, you need to select the verse preset on the GT, then manually turn on the desired stomps on the GT. Finally, hold the IA Store button until it says "Stored" (3 seconds). It will remember those settings and recall them next time you select the verse preset. You can set up different effect selections for each GT preset that way.

One thing to note: if the button states seem to not be storing, check the following:
- Each button that controls a stomp slot needs to have the Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change checkboxes turned on.
- In the Devices tab, Send CCs on Preset Change needs to be turned on.

These should be set automatically, but if you start setting up in normal mode, set up your buttons, then switch to slave mode later, the settings will not all be correct.