Song Finder & Song List Order


New Member
Hello - has anyone been able to sort your song list in alphabetical order and also searching for a specific song like a Command + F? I'm on a Mac
Songs can be dragged/reordered within the Song list. I keep mine in alphabetical order as well, since no search function exists in the Editor yet.

As a tip, song names (and preset names) will ignore/not display on the Mastermind any text after a pipe symbol "|". So I reference preset numbers in my song names, and song names in my preset names for easy location.


"Song 2 Name | 195"
"Preset 185 Name | Song 2 Name"

Hope that helps!
Hi @ZachSelindh I already do that with the names and "|" but I guess I was asking for - is there a way to re-order the Song List in alphabetical order without manually doing it?