Wiring Assistance - 1 amp and 1 power amp


Active Member
Hi All,

I am currently running my Rack Gizmo with a Splawn Quickrod in the 4CM setup with an Axe FXII. I have 4 stomps out in front in audio loops 1-4 and the Splawn is in AMP1 for channel switching.

Also, I have a Matrix GT1000 used for stereo coming out of the AxeII Output 1R. This setup seems to work out nicely but I am looking to achieve a different configuration.

1. To put the AxeII in the effects loops of the Splawn with the 4 stomps out front. This will mainly use the Axe for modulation effects only in the Splawn loop and then have the OD pedals out in front.
2. Have the Matrix using the AxeII in stereo and still utilize the audio loops 1-4 for the OD pedals in front of the AxeII. The AxeII has 2 different outputs for connections so this shouldnt be a problem but I wanted to use 2 of the audio loops to gp to the inputs of the Matrix so I can 'decide' which presets will be Matrix only and which will use the Splawn only?

Does this sound like it could be done? I am still learning my way around the RG so I was hoping I could use an already existin diagram as a starting point?

Maybe this: http://rjmmusic.com/wiring/RG/RG_4Pedals_4Series.pdf

Any finger pointing in the right direction is greatly appreciated - Thanks!