I don't and I'm using or...trying to use an Amp Gizmo (Great stuff Ron!! ) Here's where I'm at. I can get everything lit and switching channels and can even get the 2 master volumes working only..it's tricky and have to finesse a plug and find the sweet spot (I'm thinking this jack might be...
There are no switches which makes it so frustrating!.I would think at least with no footswitch hooked up it would fire up in one channel but...it doesn't even do that?? You can get sound but..it's not a good one. I'm thinking something is wrong and they gooped these things making it near...
Well...Nuthin...I don't get it I guess? Driving me nuts!! lol! But on the plus side..When I plug a mono jack into the lead channels master controls..All the channel indicator lights stay on..When inserting a trs jack..they go out so..Maybe that is clue??
I can hook one up to the channel switching and get it to go through the channels. it's the master 1 and master 2
on the lead channel I'm having trouble . when I plug another cable in the control for those..the whole thing shuts down
lights are out etc. But..I've been able to get it functioning...
Just 2x 1/4" trs jacks that I can't seem to figure out..I have the standard 4 cable and using just 2 but..it's just weird and I'm hoping you can figure it out?..I'd probably have to send the unit to you..lol! I've emailed John Kasha but no answer as of yet
I have a Kasha Rockmod I that I could use a cable for to switch with my amp gizmo. It's an old unit but sounds great. I've tried contacting John Kasha to no avail yet. Hoping you might have a schematic or know of it??
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