Buttons 1, 2 and 3 keep changing my Func 1 (Button 4) when changing presets...

Hello there. New to the forum.

I have my MMLT set up in Preset Mode with Buttons 1, 2 and 3 changing Presets, and Button 4 designated as Func 1 to toggle my amp's two channels. Problem is that when I try to change one of the Presets with Buttons 1, 2 or 3, my Button 4 (Func 1) gets automatically switched on as well, thus changing the channel of my amp.

I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking, but I have no idea what.
If you're using a function switch to control your amp, go to the Function Switches section of the Globals page, and click the lock icon a couple of times until it switches to an "I" (for independent). This will make the function switch not change automatically when you change presets, it will only change when you actually step on the button that controls your amp. This can also be done in the LT itself by entering setup, selecting Function Switch Settings, selecting the switch number and turning on Independent.
Ok so I set up as above and now it's still happening, but only when I switch to Preset 1. I can move through Presets 2 to 12 without Func1 automatically switching on, but when I return to Preset 1 it switches Func1 on.
Do you have any other buttons, preset actions, or anything else that controls Function Switch 1?
It's all good. I started from scratch and got it working without issues. I have no idea what I had done wrong the first time round to cause the issue. But yeah, it's working flawlessly now.
Many thanks for the assistance.