Calling up presets and pages and song with ext midi


Well-Known Member
I am about to tear my hair out. I have tried everything I can think of, and still cant get my presets to pull up reliably from my daw. I just can't seem to grasp the concept of adding and multiplying numbers that include zeros, only to watch the mmgt get stuck on every preset above 256. I quite simply want to send a message from my daw on a channel the mmgt sees alone. This message should select the preset on the mmgt, but NOT effect the presets on anything else unless set to do so within the mmgt. Surely this is simple and I'm just an idiot.

It would be really nice to understand the concept of setlists and songs, tho I figure 3 days on just preset recall, lets ignore that can of worms for now...
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Ok, I can help you with that, but I need to know - are you not using setlists at all (currently)? If setlists are enabled (by setting Setlist on the Globals tab to anything other than "None"), the instructions are different than if setlists are not enabled.
Setlist is currently set to none. Isn't it just a simple matter of sending bank and pc messages to the mmgt channel that is set on its own device tab? I am trying to let my daw control what preset pops up on the mmgt, and let the daw also set the pc for my axe unit. I totally gave up on receiving ANY midi from the axe fx, it chokes horribly. What a clusterf**ck..... I MAY have found it. The tooltip info saved my butt. It seems the mmgt sees 128 presets per bank "lsb". Correct me if im wrong, but that would mean if i send: lsb 1 + pc 45 (128+46), I end up with #174. If you say this is correct, I'll be very embarassed how easily i figured it out after forgetting for weeks.
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The Devices tab has no effect on incoming MIDI messages, the "MIDI Receive Channel" parameter on the Globals tab is the key parameter that enables responding to incoming banks & pcs. Set that to a channel, send PCs and banks to the GT on that channel. You are correct that LSB x 128 + PC = preset number.