Changing GT22 Buttons On Each Preset


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

This might be a stupid question but I'm using my GT in a couple of different ways live and at home. One way is I'm using it directly with my axe fx 2 using cab sims etc and i have IA buttons setup with scenes and various functions. etc. The 2nd way is If I want to use my GT with my boogie amp and the 4CM and use the AXE FX as just an FX processor along with the Mini amp gizmo to change channels on the boogie. S

Some of the IA buttons like amp x/y on would have no use to me in that case but I'd still use scenes and some of the other IA buttons.

I know you can change pages on the GT to access different switches and functions but what if I wanted everything on the first page for that particular preset and then something slightly different for the other preset which might be the 4CM or the Axe setup. Can I do this or does the GT only allow you to store one set of main page buttons on the first page which don;t change no matter which preset you are on?

I hope that makes sense?


If I understand the question correctly, I think what you're looking for is the ability to select different pages (one page for each setup), and have that page remain selected regardless of what preset you're using.

If that's the case, then turn off "Auto Page Select" in global settings, and set up pages 1 and 2 to be your two different page layouts. You can either set up a button to select between the two pages, or you can go into the setup menu and select which button page you want to be visible.
If I understand the question correctly, I think what you're looking for is the ability to select different pages (one page for each setup), and have that page remain selected regardless of what preset you're using.

If that's the case, then turn off "Auto Page Select" in global settings, and set up pages 1 and 2 to be your two different page layouts. You can either set up a button to select between the two pages, or you can go into the setup menu and select which button page you want to be visible.

That is what I meant Ron thanks for the reply. I'll give it a try and see how I get on. It will be good for changing channels on my amp as well as other IA buttons I will or won't need.

Thanks again