Delays and Reverbs with Trails and Effect Gizmo

Trying to determine the best way to program the following.

I have a few pedals which I use in trails mode, that as a result have some added noise/hiss when they are in the signal chain. For example, my Moog MF104M has a fair amount of hiss when it's in trails mode. Initially, I was not going to keep the MF104M in an effect gizmo bypass loop, since it's fully controllable by Midi, so I can turn it on and off via my Mastermind GT22 without needing a loop. However, the noise from trails mode bothers me, especially when I have a couple of other pedals in the chain that have some added noise in trails mode. I might want to have it in a loop, so I can remove it from the chain when it's not being used.

Trying to determine the best way to program the rig, so that the pedals are out of my chain when they aren't being used (true bypassed), and when they are being used, they can still have the trails spillover.

Any ideas on how to circumvent this situation with the least amount of tap dancing?
You'll probably need two buttons to control the pedal - one that turns it off at the pedal (to preserve trails) and one that turns off the Effect Gizmo loop. You could use some features like a hold function or IA cycle to put both switches on the same button, but one way or another, you'll need to be able to control both switches.
So I'm thinking 1 switch:

Click On: turns on loop and pedal via midi
Click off: turns off pedal via midi (keeps loop open)
Hold: closes loop.

Would that work?