feature requests


Well-Known Member
Not like the GT is not already the most powerful and flexible FC out there but:

1- I dig the preset button that allows direct and quick access to presets. Would be great of we can add a preset button for each device! That way if I have a preset with say an H9 in the loop of the Axe, I can go in and change what H9 preset will be active before kicking in the loop via IA or Axe Fx scene.

2-or. . . .set up a page for each device. That page can have 4-5 preset buttons plus the IAs we most use on that device. Would be a killer way to organize stuff. I think I may sort of set that up now but can't have device specific prest buttons on each page.

3-more system type buttons. Things like midi clock master or slave. Being able to switch that without diving into menus would be cool.

4- a page button that instead of scrolling one way, opens up a new sub page like the preset button does. That way if I am using 16 pages, which I am not yet, I can hit the page button then have direct access to a page instead of scrolling up.
i'm pretty sure you can set up a button as an IA type and then set the Action to select a Preset on a particular device. this would solve 1 & 2.

i think you can also set up a button as an IA type and then set the Action to a System action of Page, and put the page you want to jump to directly.

i could be wrong :)
Chris is correct - you can set up IA buttons that send PCs to your device and put them in a group. That's all that's needed. You would want to make sure that the GT presets are not programmed to send additional PCs to the device. You can use the "Set PCs to None" button in the Devices page of the editor to accomplish that.

More system buttons is a good idea - I will be working on that.

As of version 2.1 or 2.2, there is a page menu button!
Yeah that is what I was planning on doing and it would likely be a good enough solution as I hopefully will not have 100 presets on each device. .. .but. . .I was dreaming of pie in the sky goodness. Of course that pie in the sky actually being sued would hinge on a few things. Probably more work than is worth the more I think about it, lol.

When I mentioned 4-5 preset buttons on each page I meant device specific that ideally could read names from said device, which I sure is far from easy. . .lol. That way one could have quick access to pretty much any preset on any device.

In retrospect just doing a page with say the 10 most often used H9 presets and H9 specific IAs would be more than enough and way easier.