IA'S Remain On After Scene Change On Axe FX III


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

This might be a really stupid question but I have some scenes setup on a preset on my axe III and also some IA's. I like to be able to access on the fly if I need to. Buttons to just turn on effects like delay or Trem etc. These states are not on in that particular scene unless I turn them on via the IA buttons.

If I have these on and then change to a different scene the IA's go off. If I go to the same scene where I turned those IA's on they are still on. I have to turn each one off before that scene goes back to its original state.

Is there a way to turn the IA's off when another scene is selected? and then when I go back to the original scene those IA's remain off unless I turn them on again myself?

I hope that makes sense.


You have to turn on Scene Revert in a menu (Global?) of the Axe setup

Got it thanks for your help. All working now. Scene revert is in the Midi/Remote section of the axe III setup menu in case anyone was wondering.