Issues controlling Marshall JVM410hjs with PBC


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 amp system and I recently added the Marshall JVM410h to the system. It has MIDI capabilities and you can control all 4 channels and each channel has 3 modes. You can also turn on or off a noise reduction circuit for all channels. I'm having an issue with the PBC, I have all the controls mapped out with the button pages and it seems to work because I can switch each channel, on every mode(3) and the noise reduction, but when a save a preset with a specific button activated it stays on one channel regardless of what I programmed on the PBC while changing presets.When I look at the pages after changing presets on the PBC, the button that I saved is no longer activated. The only part that works is the noise reduction.
The amp MIDI comands uses cc# and a value. For eaxample Channel 1 green mode is cc 16, value 0, Channel 1 orange mode is cc 16 value 1 and red mode is value 2, Channel 2 will use cc 17 and value 0, etc.
When you look at the amp while switching you can see that the MIDI commands are working, but the amp defaults to channel 4, but you can see the led of the actual channel that' supposed to be activated " flicker" but for some reason, it overrides the command and defaults back to channel 4 green.

I have it set up in the MIDI device page for just sending CC# and no PC#. Also, the PBC will not save the button for any specific channel, except for the noise reduction on or off.I tried changing MIDI channels and moving the amp to a different device number but it seems like my PBC is suffering from amnesia since I can manually switch the amp's channels on the pages I set up specifically for the amp.

I should also mention that also use another amp, a Suhr PT100SE which also has MIDI capabilities, but it's a lot more simple since it only has 3 channels and a gain circuit to activate.I could try using PC with the amp but I like the flexibility of having all the switching on a page to make it easier to change settings on the fly.Thanks
The PBC buttons that send your CC messages have to have "Send on Preset Change" and "Update on Preset Change" turned on. Also, "Send CCs on Preset Change" needs to be turned on for the JVM device on the Devices tab. That should make it able to save button states and have them send messages automatically when you change presets.
Thanks! I'll give it a try. I works when I use PC# but I would have to save different settings on the JVM which is not as convenient because I would have to remember or write which PC# has the channel that I would need on a specific preset.