Linking Buttons


Hi. My effects page is set up to turn off various effects on/off - 1 button is for Mobius. When I hold that button, it takes me to the Mobius "favorites" page. This is set to change to various Strymon Mobius presets. On the favorites page, I don't really see the point for me to turn Mobius off or on so when I hit a favorite preset, I just want Mobius on and will not use buttons on that page to bypass the Mobius. I will use the Mobius button on my effects page to do that. I pretty much have it working but the main quirk is that when I hit one of the "favorite" buttons, it will light up but when I select another favorite it will not be lit up even though the Mobius is actually on (when I navigate to the effects page, the mobius button light will reflect whatever is going on on the other page as well).

I have IA link and CC link checked. The way I have the buttons linked (since they are linked using an identical 1st message) is by a useless CC message that essentially does absolutely nothing. Only purpose it serves is to establish the link between the buttons I want. Each button on the "favorites" page has CC toggle action for each button and off value is "None" and on value "127". Also have actions for Mobius program change to that preset I want. So if it is program change 0, I have PC# off=0 and On=0. Buttons on favorite page do not have send on preset change or update state on preset change checked.

Any idea how I can get the lights synched so they are on when Mobius is on?

Another quirk is once I select the "favorite preset" there is no way to go back to the initial Mobius preset from the effects page (the one associated with the LT preset) -- unless I guess I create a local page - since other presets have different Mobius preset it is changing to by default. Let me know if there is a simpler way to do that..

What action, exactly, are you using to link the buttons?

The only way to return the Mobius preset to the PC number stored in the LT preset is to send a System / Preset on:Same action. This forces the LT to reload the current preset and send all of its messages again. This affects all connected devices, so there may be side effects, but it will make the Mobius return to the preset stored in the LT preset.
I'm using an an action for an axess electronics switcher for Cc0 to do nothing. Just did it to link the buttons I wanted. It all worked....except the button lights alternate between off and on when I switch Mobius presets even though Mobius is on.

I thought that may be case for returning to original preset...but I could create a local page for each rjM preset and that button could have a program change for mobius to go to that Mobius preset. I guess that would work