Possible to change Loop Order with button press?


Im pretty sure this is not possible but the PBC6 has surprised me many times before when I thought something was not possible.

I have a page dedicated to H9 effects. I press a button (1-4) and it sends MIDI PC to the H9. Some of these effects are tuned to sound best before ODs and Amp, and others are tuned to sound best after ODs and Amp. Is it possible to assign a loop order Action to these IA buttons that are sending the MIDI PCs?
Yes, but only if that button recalls a preset on the PBC, which then loads a new loop order.

I know we need another way to select loop orders, I just need the time to do it.
Resurrecting this thread - was a method of changing loop order with a button press established yet? I was hoping to set a button on one of my button pages to flip flop between 'wets before' and 'wets after'.