Preset Button 2nd Press


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to relocate function "Preset Button 2nd press" from "Global" menu to "Preset" menu general setings thanks
At this point, there's no way to set that per preset. I will have to think about what it would take to move it to a per-preset setting.
as a GLOBAL section , for 2nd press we are able to choose between (same , previous , global , reload , IA , alternate )
but in PRESETS section we are limited to ( Global , previous , none , or direct preset number )

my idea is to be able have some presets with alternate option for second press , and some presets to be able reload with 2nd press , maybe we can add more options for second press ( alternate ) to a PRESETS section in that little box by Auto Tap Div..

if i chose a same number for preset as a alternate 2nd press , it wont do anything

this will give as option to add extra IA effect to presets during live performance , and quickly go back to same preset with one press
