Questions Before Purchase - MIDI, Phantom Power, etc.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'm new here, but I've been in Reddit mode (read without creating an account) for a while. I'm currently working on building a new rig, and, at the moment, I'm quite happy. It consists of a wah, two overdrive pedals being switched with an RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, a Kemper (rack-mount), and a Strymon Timeline (in the FX Loop). I'm planning on adding in a Strymon BigSky soon, but my next priority is a larger pedalboard to house both an RJM GT/22 and a couple Mission Audio pedals. Yesterday was my birthday, and the wifey bought me a SP1-RJM pedal, and I'll probably pick up a Mission volume pedal soon as well (so I'll have pre and post).

My pedalboard is going to be the home for all of the pedals external to the Kemper (i.e. they won't be mounted in the rack). This is because I want to have them in front of me at all times, particularly the overdrives, as I constantly make modifications to them. My rack is pretty much full at the moment as well, though I do have some space in the back, and about half a rack space for other stuff. It's getting too heavy though, and I don't want to upsize. Plus, going the next size higher would also mean a deeper rack case, adding even more weight and bulk.

Currently, I'm using a Behringer FCB1010 for controlling the Kemper in performance mode. While the controller sucks, at least it gets me through until I can get what I need. I have FCB1010 / Out -> In / Kemper / Out -> In / RJM Mini Effect Gizmo / Out -> In / Strymon Timeline. I use the MIDI controls in performance mode of the Kemper to set the Timeline and Mini Effect Gizmo's settings, and programming program changes from there is horrible, and I expect to be able to do this on the GT/22. Once I get the GT/22 (In a month or two), I want to go out from it's MIDI Out, through the Timeline and Mini Effect Gizmo, and finally to the Kemper, and returning the Kemper's signal to the GT/22.

All that said, here's my questions:

1. I was looking into the Phantom Power box, and emailed RJM regarding this, but I thought the forum members might have some different thoughts and opinions. I like the concept, as I'd have one less cable to carry around, one less set of connections to make, etc. If I'm getting a 7-pin MIDI from the Phantom Power box (DIN7F, which I would mount in the rack, giving me one less cable to run), how would I control the other devices though? It looks like this plugs into the MIDI Out of the GT/22, which would leave me at a complete loss for controlling anything else on my pedalboard. I can't plug a 7-pin into other devices. Would I need to split off the input, output, and power under the pedalboard, and send them (manually) to their correct locations instead?
2. If this seems too messy, as a general MIDI question, could I send MIDI to/from the rack over a single 5-pin cable, connecting, at the patch bay, the INs to 4 and 5, and the OUTs to 2 and 3, and connect the grounds, then split them again under the pedalboard? I feel like this would work, and would save me about $80. I have an extra outlet for power under the pedalboard anyway, so I wouldn't HAVE to phantom power the GT/22.
3. I keep seeing that the Mini Effect Gizmo will phantom power the GT/22. I'm terribly confused by this, because it takes a 200mA input on the back, and the GT/22 takes 1.6A. Is some internal conversion done to boost the power level? Or does this simply not work unless you have a huge power brick plugged into the Mini Effect Gizmo? I only ask because I'm curious, and if that might be a better entry point for power from the rack.
4. Mission pedal users - how would you compare the active vs. the passive volume pedals? Any preference for one over the other? I'm open to both, but passive is more appealing, if only for it's price tag.

Thanks guys and gals - I appreciate your help!
Hi, and welcome!

First of all, you can always use a 5-pin MIDI cable in place of a 7-pin. The connectors are designed to do this, and it'll still work. The extra two pins are used for phantom power, which not all devices support.

If you're using the MIDI output of the GT, you can also use the Remote In as another output. The Remote In, with the right adapter cable, will function as a secondary output. We have a few users doing exactly this - using the output to go to a rack and using the Remote In to connect to local pedals on the board.

The Mini Effect Gizmo will be able to phantom power the Mastermind GT, but you're correct that you will need to supply the Mini Effect Gizmo with a lot more power. Generally, we recommend powering the Gizmo with the GT's power supply, then it'll have enough to power itself and the GT.