RG-16 and a Bogner Duende

Bad Juju

New Member
I have an RG-16 that I used with an XTC101B flawlessly but recently downsized my rig to use a Bogner Duende. I assume I can control the Duende's features using 1/4" jacks but was wondering how.

I'd like to control channel switching and combining (A, B, A+B) and turning the trem on and off. Has anyone done this before? If I can control these features using the amp function switches and continue to use the rack effects as I did with the XTC in the Duende loop and control it all through the RG-16 and the GCP, that would be great!
We sell a 1/4" adapter cable that breaks out the 8-pin connector to four stereo 1/4" jacks. That should allow you to control the Duende like you control the XTC.