Saving Presets when changing external PC


I Have a Mastermind PBC and love it! :)

i've created a buttons page to controlling "TimeLine" (TL) patches (by sending them program changes).
after i selected a program on the TL in the it's buttons page i press a long pressing on the upper left switch and saving the preset.
unfortunately it dont save the program change i've sent to TL on the current preset of the PBC

any suggestions?

Thanks, Udi
Make sure that "Send on Preset Change" and "Update on Preset Change" are turned on for those buttons that select TImeline patches. That should take care of it.
When you say "it doesn't save the program change on the current preset", what symptoms are you seeing? Is it that the buttons don't light up accordingly when you select the preset again, or the correct preset on the pedal is not selected? Or something else?
i mean that when i'm changing the preset in the mastermind and then returning to it the preset that i chose on the pedal (TL) is not selected
But do the buttons on the GT update correctly when changing presets? I'm referring to the buttons used to select TL presets.
If you'd like to send me your settings file, I can probably figure it out from that.
ok so ive created 2 button pages. 4 and 5. in those pages i select the preset on the timeline and bigsky thanks again


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Momentary buttons don't send their messages when you change presets. If you turn off Momentary on those buttons, they should start working.

You might also want to set all of the BigSky buttons to Group 1 and the Timeline buttons to Group 2. This will make it so that only one TL preset button can be active at a time, and one BigSky button can be active at a time.
ok, so now i've switched the momentary off on the L1 switch1 on page 4 and the bigsky is stuck always on the same preset (PLATE)...
Ok, set the group as I recommended, and on the Globals tab, select group 1 and make sure "Send Off Messages" is turned off for the group
ok great!
so now i can save the Ex.Devices presets (such as Bigsky and Timeline) on the PBC presets but i have another problem:
when I'm transferring the data back to the MastermindEditor by selecting Read settings from device i see that the old settings are exist and there is no documentation to what i've changed.
Where are you looking? The state of the TL preset buttons should be as you saved them for each preset. If you're referring to the PC numbers that are stored in each preset and displayed in small boxes on the Presets screen, those will not change. The PC numbers sent by each preset, and the PC numbers sent by your TL buttons are separate things, changing one does not affect the other.
Thanks again for trying to help.
Ok so...
I mean that when I’m in page 4 on the pbc (the timeline page) and selecting a different program of the timeline and then saving it. (For instance changing it from analog delay to slap delay) - all is good. The current preset on the pbc is from now on selecting the program slap delay from the timeline.

The problem is when I’m transferring the pbc data back to the mastermind editor on my Mac and then transferring the data back to the pbc - the program of the timeline is coming back to analog delay.

Sorry for my language. Hope I was clear.
Ok, I loaded your settings and tried this:

- Hold the 5 button to go to page 5
- Press the 1 button to switch the Timeline to preset 18
- Hold the Loops button to store
- Read settings into editor
- Write settings from editor back to the PBC
- Return to Presets page, select preset 2 then preset 1

The Timeline ends up on preset 18 as expected.

Does it not do this for you? Can you describe a specific case where it doesn't work correctly?