Set IA using IA ID on local page? Trying to simplify song presets and number of presets needed.


New user - very impressed with PBC 10. Looking through threads, beyond impressed with willingness to respond to threads. Best customer service I’ve ever seen.

I have 13 basic sounds that I use in every song. I have those set to presets 1 through 13. On page 1 I use IA to recall presets, and using hold feature I can have 12 presets on the bottom 6 buttons. Fantastic. I’ll call these the global presets.

But my main need is to have different midi PC sent per song. If I have to use presets 12 to 23 for one song, 24 through 35 the next, I run out of space because I have about 150 songs, any of which may get on a set list.

I thought the solution might be local button. I thought if I had one unique preset per song and use a local button page for that one preset, I could assign some buttons on the local button page as IA with an IA ID for a PC change. Then, I use a set IA for each of my global presets. Like IA “system/preset 1” then “Set Ia - ia ID 1”. My unique local buttons would use IA ID 1 in every song. I would only have to program the PCs in that unique song preset once. From there on out I would have unique PC changes per song, but without needing 12 or 13 unique presets per song.

I thought if I used the same IA ID # in each of the unique song presets, like IA ID 1, and used Set IA in my Global presets, it would trigger the IA in the local button.

Unfortunately it appears that Set IA won’t scan a local button. And even if I use “same page” with a global preset on the local button page, it takes me to Page 16 instead of staying on the local button page. I understand why that happens, but it means my workaround doesn’t work.

I can’t really use standard pages for the IA ID because I would still need to change the Set IA for each global Preset for Each song.

In recap, I’d like to use one unique song preset to store that particular song’s midi PC needs, and use my Global presets otherwise. If I could use Set IA to access IA IDs on the unique song preset, it should work. But can’t figure out how. Do you know of any way to avoid needing 12 or 13 unique song presets per song? I’ve looked through most of the threads, and it doesn’t look like it’s been discussed.

No matter what, I love your product.
I'm not sure why Set IA wouldn't be affecting buttons on the local page. It should. I'm out of town for a few days, but will look into this when I get back.
That would be great. Still can’t believe how great you are at responding—and you’ve done it consistently for years. Big fan here!
Any luck using “set ia” for an “ia id” on a local button page? You’ve got a lot of fish to fry, so no worries if this is a TBD item. Thanks!