Struggling to understand Banks/presets/pages


Well-Known Member
I still struggle to understand the PBC10. I was using a Boss ES-8 before this, and I have the idea that the structure of both devices is quite different. I want to have a setup where I can access four different gain/fuzz sounds with two IA buttons for adding modulation effects that I use for 70% of the set. Besides that, I want to have some dedicated pages for songs with different presets and IA's. Presets keep shifting in other places, and when I use local pages, sometimes an LED is on that I don't want to. Should I use different pages for different setups?

I have three big sold-out shows this weekend, and I'm starting to think that It was not wise to rebuild my board this week :)

I watched all the Mastering the Mastermind videos.

Is there somebody who switched from an ES-8 to an RJM that can give their perspective on the different workflow?
I have almost no experience with the ES-8, but I can point out a few things (assuming my memory of it is correct):

- There's no equivalent to songs or setlists in the ES-8
- The Memory/Manual switch on the ES-8 is like switching between two pages on a Mastermind
- The Memory page is like our standard bank and preset page that is the default page on a PBC
- The Manual page is like our Loops page on the PBC

It sounds like you want to assign fixed preset buttons to multiple pages (preset buttons that recall a specific preset and aren't affected by bank up and bank down). If I have that right, have a look at this:

Fixed Preset Buttons

And, this video talks about the similarities and differences between the Mastermind and other MIDI controllers:

MIDI Controller Basics

The rest of the series can be found here:
I still struggle to understand the PBC10. I was using a Boss ES-8 before this, and I have the idea that the structure of both devices is quite different. I want to have a setup where I can access four different gain/fuzz sounds with two IA buttons for adding modulation effects that I use for 70% of the set. Besides that, I want to have some dedicated pages for songs with different presets and IA's. Presets keep shifting in other places, and when I use local pages, sometimes an LED is on that I don't want to. Should I use different pages for different setups?

I have three big sold-out shows this weekend, and I'm starting to think that It was not wise to rebuild my board this week :)

I watched all the Mastering the Mastermind videos.

Is there somebody who switched from an ES-8 to an RJM that can give their perspective on the different workflow?
I’m going to give you a lot of information. Two posts.

At the outset I want to make it clear that I think the PBC is the best product on the market. So the below is intended to help you overcome some quirks and limitations. It is not intended to be criticism.

As to your LED issue, go to the preset page or local button page and look at the virtual device display near the bottom of the page. If you see arrows pointing to a button, that’s probably why, when you go to that preset, an LED is on when you don’t want it to be. If you click on that button in the virtual device display then the arrows will probably go away. LED will no longer turn on for that preset. If the arrows are still there, it takes some testing to figure out how to turn it off. For example, if you use a button group, you may not have “all buttons off” checked. Ultimately I’ve always found a way to turn the arrows off after messing around. Watch out—if you copy a preset with one of those arrows, it will be on the copy. You’ll need to go through and turn it off per preset. Good news is you only have to do that once so long as you catch them all.

As to pages per song, there are no dedicated pages that you can pull up per song other than using local button page for one or more of the song presets you create. Using local button pages for all (or even some but not all) presets in a song can be tricky and will take some time to program—for example, if you want a button to be consistent across presets, you’ll have to do that per local button page per preset per song, as well as on any page triggered by a preset not using local button page.

Because there are 16 pages available using page up/down (not including local button pages), you do have a lot of options available at the outset. You may (1) be able to use one or more of those pages for a specific song and have enough pages, or (2) find that 16 pages gives you everything you need soundwise for all songs even if no page is specific to a particular song. But either way the pages won’t change when you change songs. Each page will be the page for that page number for every song (other than local button page). If you need a unique page (or pages) for each song and you’ve got more than 14 to 16 songs, or you need more than 16 pages for whatever reason, you either have to reprogram per set list or you have to get creative with song presets and/or local button pages. Trust me—you can get creative and avoid reprogramming each set list. I play well over a hundred songs with new set lists each time, and I don’t need to reprogram.
Wow, thanks, Tommy, that is very helpful. I think I have a workable setup for my three gigs this weekend, but I will look into these options when I explore the PBC10 further. Thank you very much!!
Wow, thanks, Tommy, that is very helpful. I think I have a workable setup for my three gigs this weekend, but I will look into these options when I explore the PBC10 further. Thank you very much!!
Glad to do it. Helps cement it in my own head. Happy Thanksgiving!!
I realized I had enough misinformation in my second post to this thread that I deleted it. I'm replacing it with much better information here. My first post (still not deleted) seemed correct to me, but I missed the mark big time on my second post (primarily dealing with presets) based on my programming ignorance. I hope it didn't lead you or others too far astray. I almost just deleted without showing what was wrong with it, but that didn't seem fair to anyone who looked at it. Sorry for all the confusion I may have caused! The biggest changes are shown in italics. If you at all were trying to use what I said the first go round, this should help quite a bit.

There is a difference between “button type” as “preset” and button type as “ia” with an action “system” subtype “preset”. The latter will let you choose a specific preset for a button by setting it to that preset number, and it will not change.

However, if you are using a song list, it will not trigger the specific preset numbers used in that song. It triggers preset numbers from the preset tab.

In contrast to the IA—system—preset button type, I’ve found using the button type “preset” (not IA) can be confusing, particularly for a specific song, if you do not use "preset index" for each preset. You can’t set the specific preset number for a button. It automatically goes in a set order of preset numbers. But you can use "preset index" to change the order of song presets, and this is the key to using song presets as you want. You can’t control which preset number a button triggers outside of an automatic order unless you use preset index. If you use preset index, you can choose the order of your song presets. For example, if you want song preset 1 to be accessed by the bottom far left button, use button type "preset" and set it to "Preset Index 1." Then if you want the next button to the right to access song preset two, use button type preset and set it to preset index 2. Next button to the right, use button type preset, index 3, and it will access preset 3. And so on.

I just started using preset index, and I am setting it differently than above. I'm setting the bottom far left button in button mode "Hold", and both button types (in the "Button Settings" tab and the "Hold" tab) are set to button type "preset." The first I set to index 1. The hold I set to index 2. I keep going in sequential order for each button to the right, where I use button mode "hold" and set the index numbers to be the next two numbers sequentially. For example, preset index 3 and 4 are used for the second button from the right, preset index 4 and 5 for the third button from the right, etc. This order makes the most sense for my use. But it could be in any order for what makes sense to you. It could be right to left, or it could start at the top row.

I think it is important to use a Preset Index number for every preset on a page though. If you do not, then the numbering can get confusing and seem out of order.

Just a few days ago I was using Button Type preset incorrectly, and it led me to believe I could only have five song presets on a page. I was wrong about that--which was a huge revelation for me. There is still a limitation on the number of song presets (sixteen) but by using the hold feature and preset index numbers, you could get all sixteen presets on to one page (using 8 different buttons).

There can still be good reasons to use
IA—system—preset because it gives you options, control and consistency regardless on song. For example, you may have a unique sound that you don't want to put into a song preset, but you want to be able to access it during any song. You could use IA--system--preset on one of your pages so that it is there no matter the song. You just need to use the correct preset number for that preset as shown in the preset tab list. You could even use it on the same page(s) as your song presets if you have enough buttons left. It will still be there even if you change songs.

To be even more clear, I was totally mistaken that the PBC 10 could only have five song presets per page. It can actually have ten if all buttons are in normal mode, and it could have all sixteen song presets using the hold feature on buttons.

As to your desire to get the different fuzz/gain sounds and modulation, I’m not exactly sure what you are going for, but you could make your fuzz/gain sounds presets, maybe even using IA--system--preset so you can access those anytime during any song (and if you set it to global you could access it on any page). You could keep the same preset for quick press and hold, but you could have different modulation options for that preset by having one or more additional and different IA actions for the hold as compared to the quick press. I like doing this when it is a subtle difference. For example, I might have all the same IA actions in the quick press and the hold, but I add an IA action in the hold setting to turn on compression and get a little sustain. It could also trigger a midi PC or CC but without needing a separate preset. When I use hold feature, I use different color LEDs to keep track of what is on.

Another option is to have presets on one button and have sound changes on another button. For example, I’ve got a particular preset on, and I have a separate button that uses IA to turn on a single loop with a gain pedal to get a little boost to the preset. You can also really take advantage of separate buttons if you use any midi pedals. I’ve got an entire separate page devoted to each midi device so I can program a dozen buttons to trigger different sounds without changing a preset.

If you program it right, you can change presets without turning off the separate button. For example, if I want the same reverb to stay on when I go from a clean preset to a distortion preset, I can program that. But if the settings are wrong, the sounds turn off with a preset change. You may want it to turn off when you change, so you have to get the settings right for your purpose. Frankly, I sometimes forget how to program it correctly and I have to use trial and error. Another issue for me is making sure that quick press or hold is a simple on/off for each. With the wrong settings, the button can require multiple taps to turn off, and the LEDs may not line up with the sound. There are a couple of potential reasons for both of these issues that I won’t speculate about, but the fix for me normally is getting the right settings for “send on preset change” and “update on preset change” in the button edit page, and also watching out for the right IA link and/or group settings. Ultimately I experiment with the settings and I eventually find what works. You’ll find it too. Wish I could remember off the top of my head (for your benefit and mine!). One day I’ll have it down pat. Also, on the “hold” tab for a button, there is a color choice for “both color”. I keep it the same as “on color” usually (I think). I’m not sure what it does, but for now that seems to cure the LED issue if I get the other settings right.

SORRY AGAIN for the misinformation originally. Just when I think I've got it down, I learn a lot more. Tons of potential in the device to unlock and learn about. Best of luck.