Timeline Looper CC commands for Volume


Well-Known Member
I have created a page on my PBC for my Timeline Looper. I want to program 2 buttons for volume.... one Up and one Down. The CC command is #98. I've created a Momentary CC button that sends the command, but will only send it for 2 specific values... one for On and one for Off. What I need is a command that will either increase to the next "value" for Up and decrease to the next "value" for down. Currently, I can only figure out how to command a fixed value. I know this is possible out there BC my old DMC4 unit used to be able to adjust volume up and down with 2 buttons. Help!
We don't currently have a way to do that - the only current way to adjust a value is to use an expression pedal. It's definitely something that will be addressed in the future, though.