Recent content by SUPERGUITARMAN

  1. S


    To all forum users including RJM music, thought you might be interested to know, ( if you didn't already) that there's a new tv station just started called guitar tv. It's founder members include one Steve Vai, amongst others. It's only an internet station at the moment, but I think they have...
  2. S

    Effect Gizmo and MIDI Effects Units

    Yes, you can do that no problem. If you connect each device in its own individual loop, you can have any combination of devices on at a time. Its dead easy to program. Of course you need to input midi program change messages like from a foot controller. If you make a midi chain of foot...
  3. S

    RG-16 Acting Funny

    JimiGuy7- 'RG16 acting funny, but I dont know why , 'scuse me while I kiss the sky' very sorry, but just couldnt resist!
  4. S

    Suggestions here!

    how about a small portable midi display screen, that can be programmed to display song titles program no. or whatever else you want. maybe it could be programmed by laptop via usb. It would respond to midi messages. It could have midi in and thru connectors and be phantom powered through the...