Programming Preset to change to a different song


Well-Known Member
I'm having lots of trouble trying to program a Preset to do something I would have thought would be simple on a PBC/10.

I have a Preset button for a Song that, in addition to doing the usual stuff - changing which loops are open, and making PC/CC changes to various MIDI pedals, etc. But I also need that same Preset button, as its last 'action,' to change to a specific preset for a different song.

I won't bother going through all the things I tried to make this work, but might I get some advice about how best to program this?

As always, thank you.

It's not really something that we would have anticipated someone wanting to do, so it's not something I've tested. Are you adding the actions to the preset button, or to the preset action list? I would expect that the latter would have a better chance of working.
The reason I'm trying to do this is that there are a few tunes my band plays that we connect together in a smooth flow, rather than Song A ending, then we start Song B.

At the end of Song A, as I play literally the last note of the song, a preset button (called 'Last Note'!) on that Song's page opens the loop for my Microcosm, sends a PC to the Microcosm (a very spacey, long rumbly granular thing), sends a PC to my Merc X reverb (more wild space and effects), and while all that stuff is going on, I'd like that same button to switch to the next song in our Setlist as all the spacey stuff dies out and I start playing Song B.

Yes, of course, I could just use my Bank Up button to get to Song B, but it be easier if the same button I've already pressed - to add all those effects in Song A - could ALSO get me to Song B. One button press is always better than two while on stage!

To answer your question, I've tried many ways to get it to work, but mostly in the Preset Action list. I tried 'System/Song on 23' - '23' being the Song # in the Song List -but that didn't work. Actually, I never tried 'System/Song/Up.' I'll try that tomorrow.

I was hoping that now that you know why I'm trying to do this action, you might have a workaround or some other brilliant idea!

Thanks, Ron.
I have no idea. I don't know the first thing about macros!

But now I'm curious and will educate myself about macros!
The main issue is that the system won't allow another preset or song change when it's in the middle of processing a preset change. This prevents infinite loops and bad things like that. I don't know of any way off the top of my head to do what you're looking to do.
Okay... good to know. I'll stop working on it. I'll just use the Bank up button. Thanks for the help!