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  1. H

    PBC 6 cc message to toggle between mono and stereo

    Thanks for the quick response! Might be a good wish list item.
  2. H

    PBC 6 cc message to toggle between mono and stereo

    Hi there! I'm having trouble finding a way to quickly switch between mono and stereo out. I was hoping to set up a button on the Switch page to quickly move between the two. Is this possible? Thanks!
  3. H

    Programming a random array of presets

    No worries, thank you for giving it some thought!
  4. H

    Programming a random array of presets

    Thanks - What I thought would be cool is if I could identify a set number of presets (say, three or four for each pedal) from each of the three pedals that would all sound reasonably good together but aren't sounds that I would normally use in a song, and then program a button to randomly assign...
  5. H

    Programming a random array of presets

    Hi all, I have a Strymon Mobius, Timeline and Big Sky that I control (along with some other pedals) with a PBC 10. I was thinking about dedicating a button to pulling up a random array of some of the more 'out there' settings from those three boards to be used as ambient fill between songs and...
  6. H

    Mastermind is overwriting effect chain changes in Profiler

    Hi all - I am setting up a mastermind to control my profiler along with my pedalboard. It is working great for the most part, but I am having an issue with the kemper. I have several profiles set up in performance mode. I am trying to change the effect chain on the profiler, which is fine...