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  1. nguyenpk

    My PBC/6X setup

    Just started using a PBC/6X a little over two months ago, still have lots to learn and a lot to tinker with but I'm very happy with it so far. I came from a DIY Ikea board that I used for several years before overhauling the whole thing to use a Pedal Pad pedalboard. Here's how I have everything...
  2. nguyenpk

    How do you use your mastermind?

    I'm relatively new to using a PBC/6X, but so far I'm primarily using it in two ways - in its "default" mode that's setup in a similar way to yours with presets on the first page, then loops in the 2nd and 3rd. I mainly use this when composing or in a jam scenario so I can sculpt sounds easily...