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  1. Caller9

    Exiting Global Preset?

    I can't seem to find a way to get back into presets mode if I press the "Global" preset button currently set to #6 on Mastermind. It locks me into Global preset and no matter what button I press nothing happens. I can get into "Loop" mode but that still does not get me to where my presets work...
  2. Caller9

    First "Real" pedalboard build

    This started out as two pieces of plywood with a 42" long by 24" base and 10" top layer angled down from rear to front of base. After looking at many designs online, borrowing (quite heavily) from the Schmidt Array design, (I liked the way they handled the hinged top level with space...
  3. Caller9

    Alphabetic Sort

    Maybe an alphabetic sort for preset/song lists? Easier to manage a long list of songs and would save a lot of dragging a dropping.