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  1. M

    Update and Send On Preset Change not behaving as expected

    Perhaps I don't fully understand the concept, but after watching the "Mastering the Mastermind" YouTube series, I thought I had a handle. Here are some screenshots of my setup: As you can see, I have a preset created with the "Metro" button set to ON, and the "Update on Preset Change" and...
  2. M

    Device multitimbrality...Am I missing something?

    I am very puzzled by the GT's handling of MIDI devices. I can't figure out how to send actions to the same device on different MIDI channels. For example, have a look at the attached screenshot. If the Midas M32 mixer receives fader CC on CH1, scene changes on CH2, and mute CC on CH3, it...
  3. M

    GT 22 USB B Not Working

    I tried to connect the GT 22 to an Anker powered USB hub, and then to my computer. Unfortunately after doing so, the USB port is no longer recognized by my computer (and hence, MMGT editor). I have tried plugging it directly into a USB port with no hub. Did the port get fried somehow?