AxeFX3 Channel Switching


Greetings friends,

In the past I have used the hold function in order to switch between channels within the delay block on my axefx3. Simply hold the button down and then select bewteen A, B, C or D. That's great. However, I want to try having two separate IA switches on my local page - one switch being for Channel A and the other for Channel B. I currently have them grouped so that only one switch can show as being active at any one time. I have checked the box on the Global page to allow them to be 'all off' also. I cannot get this to work. I can get the channel switching working without the action for activating or bypassing the block, and vice/versa. But with all actions combined it just wont work. I have attached the global settings page and also the actions for each of the IA buttons. I would greatly appreciate your help. I'm sure it is something simple..

Many thanks.
The OFF value for 'channel select' should be 'none' instead of zero.

Also no need to enable Update on Preset Change and Send on Preset Change.
Those are useful only for buttons assigned to external controllers.
Hi Alexander. Thanks for the heads up on the 'none' setting for channel select - I have done this. I have also unchecked the Update on Preset Change and Send on Preset Change. Unfortunately I still have an issue with switching the block on and off. I think the problem lies with the fact that there are two separate IA switches controlling the bypass state of the same fx block. I'm sure there is a way to do this though. Surely this is a common enough thing among other users right?
Hi Alexander. Thanks for the heads up on the 'none' setting for channel select - I have done this. I have also unchecked the Update on Preset Change and Send on Preset Change. Unfortunately I still have an issue with switching the block on and off. I think the problem lies with the fact that there are two separate IA switches controlling the bypass state of the same fx block. I'm sure there is a way to do this though. Surely this is a common enough thing among other users right?
Since the on/off and channel selection functions share the same CC number, conflicts can definitely arise. Try turning on Direct Send PC/CC in Devices - it will allow more than one instance of the same CC number to be sent to the Axe-Fx.