Can RG loop switching be used to mute passive splitter outputs


Well-Known Member
Hello! I’m using an Rack Gizmo in combination with an Ampete 88-S to select between multi amps and cabs/load boxes. I recently purchased a Friedman BE-Mini and have got it hooked up so it sees a Suhr Reactive load box as it’s cab but am only using it’s fx “Send” out as it’s signal going into my DAW/Impulse Response. Im planning on getting a Lehle P-Split III so I can split the instrument hi-z send from the Ampete to both the BE-Mini and a BE-100 amp. This way I can use the BE-100 connected via the Ampete to the Suhr RL, I can disconnect the BE-Mini from the Ampete while it will now be solely fed signal via the Lehle which is an ABY splitter.

What I’d like to know and sorry for the long lead in is can I use any of the RG’s loops to select between the two AB outs from the Lehle which are inputs to both amps, utilizing them as on/offs? I would also like to know if this can degrade signal or add any buffering not needed?

Thanks in advance!!
Yes, you can do that. Easiest would be to use loops 5-8. Connect the output to In 5, and Send 5 to wherever the signal needs to go. Turning loop 5 on and off will switch the signal on and off. You can use another loop for the other signal. There probably won't be any noticeable signal degradation, but it depends on the output impedance of the Lehle switcher.