[DONE] Device Add: Chase Bliss - Clean

Oh sweet, I didn't even know there was a 5.3.1--that's great! How are updates communicated (so I can better keep an eye out)?
Oh sweet, I didn't even know there was a 5.3.1--that's great! How are updates communicated (so I can better keep an eye out)?
We're not great about announcing them, I'll have to admit. I always post here, sometimes we remember to put it on social media. Probably the best thing to do is click Watch on the most recent announcement thread. I always post to the old thread after I've posted the new one. For example, when 5.4.0 comes out, I'll create a new thread, then add a post to the 5.3.1 thread announcing the new version, which will trigger it send emails to anyone watching the thread.