Effects Gizmo with Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor

Im having alot of trouble trying to hook up my boss noise suppressor to the effects gizmo. Im currently using the diagram that was included in the manuel, which sets up for 12 pedals and 1 amp. I could really use some help. I attached the diagram that im using. Also would it be better if I used the diagram that bypasses the buffer and click stopper?




  • EG_12Pedals.pdf
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With a noise supressor like that, I'd connect your first loop's send to the pedal input and the first loop's return to the pedal's send. The next loop you need is the one that comes after any distortions, overdrives and preamps (i.e. noisy stuff). Connect that loop's send to the NS-2 return and the loop's return to the NS-2's output. That should give you the best performance. You'll need to have both loops turn on for the NS-2 to work correctly.
Yes, unless you want the noise suppressor on full time. If having it on all the time is okay, we could rearrange things so that it doesn't use any loops.
If it works anything like the MXR or ISP units, the first "bit" of the noise suppressor (input > send) doesn't really do anything other than sense signal... so that wouldn't need to be in a loop.
Which loops are your drive pedals in? You want the first "bit" of the noise suppressor before them, and the last bit after. So if your drive pedals are in loops 1-4, you connect input > NS2 in, NS2 send > loops 1-4 in, loops 1-4 out > NS2 return, NS2 out > loops 5-8 in. Depending on how you have your pedals organised, you may have to compromise your setup a little, but the important thing is to have your noise gate before any delay or reverb pedals.
A radical option, which I am going to try today, is a relatively simple mod of the NS2 that bypasses the send/return loop so the pedal is always on, without the need to click its switch. The mod itself is easy. Then put the NS2 in a loop after all your gain pedals, and have that loop on when you want it.