H9 CC Offset Problem

Hi, I'm aware there is a PC message offset setting in the editor. However, I can't find anything for fixing CC offsets.

My PBC/6X and H9 CCs are offset by one unit. So, for example, for the PBC to trigger CC 39 on my H9, I have to send CC 38.

How can I fix this and what might be the cause of it in the first place? If it helps, this is a recent H9 Max built this year.
How are your CCs set in the H9? If you go through the list, do the numbers in the H9 match up with the PBC's numbers? Changing them to match the PBC should fix the issue. We've had problems with H9s in the past because the CC numbering isn't always consistent coming from the factory. The numbers we have in the PBC matched the first H9 we received, but since then most H9s don't have any CC numbers set at all.
Hi, I'm not sure about older H9s. Both of mine were built this year. What I noticed is that they have certain CCs pre-assigned, towards the middle of the range. The first 20 or so are blank. Then there is numbering, then blank, then there are a couple assigned towards the end of the list (CC38 and CC39).

What I did was I filled in the first 20 in order, but then changed expression hot knob to 17 to match the PBC's CC number for expression (see screenshot). I didn't fill any more towards the end because CC38 and CC39 where already pre-set and one of those is the one I needed.

I can go and map the whole thing out to match PBC. HOWEVER, I'm not sure that will do because if I clearly select a CC from my H9 control and apply it to the PBC, it triggers the action above it. Consequently, if I want to trigger CC39 on the H9, I have to put CC38 on the PBC. Please see screenshots.


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That's odd. My best guess is a bug in the H9 firmware. I've been dealing with the PBC firmware for almost 6 years now and I have never seen an "off by 1" type error before.

If you have a MIDI interface and a MIDI monitor program, you can view the messages being sent from the PBC. That would tell us definitively if the PBC is sending the right messages or not. If you want to pursue this and need further instructions, let me know.
Hi, alright. I think I know how I'm going to troubleshoot. The second H9 is not on a board right now and has never seen this PBC. I'll going to swap them around tonight and see if the second one does the same thing.

This particular H9, the one in question, I had to reinstall the firmware when I first got it as all the effects were not acting right. It hasn't been a problem since, but I wonder if the MIDI stuff is messed up on it.

After I do the swap, if the problem goes away, I'll restore the suspect H9 to factory settings and try again with it. I'll report back when I have more info.

Thank you.
That's odd. My best guess is a bug in the H9 firmware. I've been dealing with the PBC firmware for almost 6 years now and I have never seen an "off by 1" type error before.

If you have a MIDI interface and a MIDI monitor program, you can view the messages being sent from the PBC. That would tell us definitively if the PBC is sending the right messages or not. If you want to pursue this and need further instructions, let me know.
Hi, I finally had some time to test last night. I swapped out the H9s. Yes, I think that's the problem. CCs match up just fine on the other one. Not sure what's wrong with the first one. I'll restore it and if not sent it to Eventide to check.

One thing I noticed is that PCs on the H9 are offset, on purpose. For example, PC 39 triggers preset 40. Seems odd they did it like this. I know it's because PCs start at "0". But it's odd they numbered them like this. But as long as I remember this it's fine.

But yeah, on this second H9, if I call CC 38 for input volume control, I get CC 38, so we're good here, thanks.

BTW, with this I figured out how to use expression to control volume on some preset and hot knob control for others. This was puzzling me.

Anyway, thanks and stay well. I was very frustrated with my 6X, but I'm new to Midi so I'm not surprised. I'm starting to finally make some headway.

One thing that really tripped me is that I have 5 pedals in the loops, but I went and put 4 midi only pedals after the PBC outside the loops. I hadn't realized that not only do I have to trigger PC messages to bring the pedals in, but I also have to send CC messages to turn them off when I leave those presets, otherwise they stay on. This is a lot of coding work. I might start splitting loops 4-6 with insert cables and put the 6X on 4CM rather than the outside pedals themselves so I don't have to deal with this. Maybe I'll leave just one pedal outside, but it's just one I have to send on and off messages to. 4 pedals outside like that gets REALLY confusing and time-consuming.
FYI, there's a PC Offset setting in Devices that allows you to compensate for the H9's preset numbering. Set it to 1 and the numbers will line up. There's no offset available for CCs because this is the only time I've ever heard of a CC offset issue.

The MIDI spec does a great job on some things - they are very specific that channels are 1 through 16, for example, but they never laid down the law on whether preset numbering starts at 0 or at 1.