I hope this is possible!

I have a computer based program called Maschine Studio in which I would love to control tempo and on /off with my mastermind. The mastermind midi out is already plugged into my Ax Fx II so I would be using the midi thru /out on my AX FX to the midi in on my Maschine. What my major intent is to be able to turn on and off the Maschine studio when I use the looper function of my AX FX. Hopefully I can assign a midi CC change with by my mastermind which will control the Maschine. Hope I'm painting a clear picture here.
I have not tried it that way yet but use maschine studio with my rig sometimes. I use Maschine as master clock, and that feeds midi in on GT. GT then feeds midi solutions T8 that splits the midi to all the rest of my rack. The advantage I see doing it this way is that I can change presets on GT and tempo stays the same. Have not tested to see if this is always seemless as I have a fairly complex rig, but so far so good, The one minor issue is it appears the temp reported on GT is not the actual tempo. Say I set maschine to do 80 BPM. GT may read 82 or 83 but the axe fxs and PODS etc are at say 79.99 BPM, so it appears to pass the maschine tempo but display is slightly off?

I assume you have maschine playing BG tracks or beats? If you will need to load appropriate maschine project any way, it may make sense to use maschine as master clock. Also if you have any audio "tracks" in maschine they will get weird if tempo changes as Maschine doesn't do real time stretching.

Good to see someone else messing with this.
Hi Richard,

I've been looking at the Maschine Studio manual, and it looks like it's controlled by note messages instead of CCs. You should be able to assign certain note numbers to certain functions. Then, you can use Note actions on the GT to assign notes to IA buttons. (Double click a button to edit, then press New Action, set action type to Note, then set the note number as appropriate).
rjmmusic said:
Hi Richard,

I've been looking at the Maschine Studio manual, and it looks like it's controlled by note messages instead of CCs. You should be able to assign certain note numbers to certain functions. Then, you can use Note actions on the GT to assign notes to IA buttons. (Double click a button to edit, then press New Action, set action type to Note, then set the note number as appropriate).

I am hoping to mess with this a bit this weekend. Theoretically I should be able to change scenes on Axe FX and entire rig while triggering a different scene on Maschine. Amazing what such and old standard like midi can still do. Next step I try controlling a TriCaster from GT!