IA button group with more than one button on?

Loss Mentality

New Member
I've searched and can't find an answer to this, so...

I have a device with three functions, A, B, and C. The functions can be toggled on/off via MIDI CC (each on a different CC, with the typical [0,63] = OFF, [64,127] = ON).

On the device, at least one of these functions must always be active (i.e. you can't have A, B, and C off at the same time), but beyond that, they can be turned on or off in any combination. Note that the device will ignore a CC that attempts to turn off A, B, or C if that CC message is addressing the only function that is currently active.

Note also that the device does not send any MIDI messages, so there is no way for the GT to get the actual state of the device.

It's not hard to get the GT to control these functions in a reliable enough way. The snag comes in ensuring that the GT's display state (i.e. the LCD display state of if an IA is on or off) always matches the on/off state for A, B, and C on the device regardless of what I do when tap dancing on the GT.

Here are the three ways I can see to control this from the GT. All have pros and cons. Ideally, there is a way to eliminate these cons.

1. Just set up three independent IAs, one for each function.
I can turn on any combination of functions.
CON: It's possible for the GT's IA on/off display state to get out of sync with the device's A/B/C on/off state.

That is, If only one function is on, and I hit its IA on the GT, the device will ignore the off message for that function (because at least one of A/B/C must always be on), but the GT won't know this and so will show the IA as disabled. Thus it's possible to get the state of the IAs - as indicated by the GT's LCD displays - to be out of sync with the true state of the device.

Now, this is not a major issue - if I hit the same IA again, thereby sending an ON message, the device will handle it fine. Ideally, however, I would like the GT's IA on/off indicators to always accurately indicate the state of A/B/C on the device so that I can tell what's on or off just by looking at the GT.

2. Use an IA button group with "Allow all buttons off" disabled.
Eliminates the CON from #1 above - the IA state will always match the state of the functions on the device, even if I accidentally try to turn off the last function that is currently on.
CON: Because this one uses an IA Group, I can't turn on more than one function at a time, so I lose device functionality.

3. Use an IA for each legal combination of functions (i.e. one for A only, one for B only, one for A+C, etc...)
All combinations of functions on the device are available and GT IA display state always matches that of the device.
Con: Requires six IA buttons (#1 or #2 requires only 3). For now, this is a non-starter - I need A/B/C controllable from a single page, and that page does currently have three extra available buttons.

Currently, I can get along with #1 okay but am hoping there is a way to allow IA groups to have more than one IA on at a time. Is there? Or is there some other solution I've missed?

If not, maybe someday an "Allow more than one button on" function could be added to IA button group functionality in the future?
