IA Cycle bug


Well-Known Member
On my GT16 I have sw14 in cycle mode with each step named sequencially 4-1-2-3, so far so good, the display read 4-1-2-3 sequencially.
But when I make the same with sw15 the display read 4-1-2-3 as supposed to, but if I make a second cycle it read: Step1-1-2-3.
Why is 4 replaced by step1 when I cycle the 15th switch a second time? I don't have this problem when cycling sw14. Curious.
The problem is that you have five steps defined. Remove the first System / Step and it should work. System / Step should only be in between steps, not at the beginning or end of the list. There's also a bug in there that's causing it to read the step name from the next button once you go above step #4.
Thanks Ron, apologize for my mistake! What made me curious is that I had the same 5 step error in my programming of the sw 14 and didn't experience the same problem. Happy that you could solve it.
It's because "step 5" on button 14 was taking it's name from button 15, which happened to have the right name. "Step 5" on button 15 takes from button 16, which has the default step names "step 1", "step 2", etc.