Kemper Excel Sheet (Evan Hudson)

Hi! Just got my Mastermind LT and I'm now in the process of setting everything up with my DD-500 and KPA.
I have watched the Youtube video posted on the forum where a gentleman named Joseph Wu talks us through the setup process of the Mastermind LT + Kemper combo.
In this video he mentions a Excel sheet made by Evan Hudson who I've been told is a loyal RJM-user, and that you could message him for the sheet but there is no contact information provided.

SO! My question is if anyone on the forum has Evans email adress or if someone can provide me with the excel sheet. Thanks in advance!

/Herbert Lilliehorn

Sorry it took me so long to see this!! My email is

You can hit me up and I’ll email you the excel spreadsheet.

Also, I created a Facebook group called Kemper RJM Mastermind. Ask to join the group and I’ll approve it. I’ve uploaded the file to the files section of that group with a brief description on how to use the chart and call up individual Kemper performance slots.

Let me know if you need anything else.
