midi CC or Sysex to change the color of a switch on GT/22


New Member
Hi there ...

I would like to change the color of the buttons on the GT/22 using midi from Ableton Live. Is there a message I can send to make that happen?

Thank you and have a great day :)
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Seconding this question. I've been been comparing options and trying to decide which foot controller I'd like to get, and this one would be big for me so that I can display realtime feedback on the states of various devices in my Ableton set.
Sorry for the delay on this, it's implemented, but I had to dig for the information.

F0 00 01 5B <id> 1D <state> <page> <button> <color> <text> F7


<id> is the sysex ID of the unit (which can be found in the MIDI menu on the GT itself) (edit: this number is displayed in decimal on the GT, you may need to convert it to hexadecimal. For the easy way out, set the Sysex ID on the GT to 0. Then you can just specify it as 0 no matter what the numbering system is)
<state> is 0 for button off, 1 for button on, 15 for button disabled. If this is a cycle button, values 0-3 correspond to the four steps.
<page> is page number (0 = page 1, 1 = page 2, etc.)
<button> is button number (0 = upper left, 1 = button to the right of button 0, etc.)
<color> is the color number (0 ... 15) (if you're enough of a nerd enough to speak binary, bit 0 is red, bit 1 is green, bit 2 is blue, and bit 3 is half brightness)
<text> is one or more bytes of text to display in the button's display. This can be left out and the rest of the command will still work. If there are no text bytes, the button's text will be unchanged.
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