Midi Merger


Well-Known Member
will the GT16 midi out provide power for this Audio Solutions Merger midi in?

I would like to use a Bluetooth midi interface Yamaha UD-BT01 simultaneously with my GT16 for my Axe-FX. Since my Axe midi in is already used by the GT16, this merger could do the trick, having both the GT connected, and a wireless FracPad application on my iPad for programming my Axe.
You're using a power supply with your GT16, and not phantom power? The Merger has 5-pin connections, not 7-pin.

Also, it might not work if you're using a single MIDI cable, because of bidirectional data traffic.
The MIDI Solutions products use a hack to draw power from a standard MIDI port. The GT's MIDI output should be be able to power it (although, admittedly, I've never tried it myself).
Thanks for the answers, @Alexander I'm using phantom powering on the GT side, but the midi cable has 5 pins on the Axe side, and a separate barrel for inputting the 9V to the GT. I forgot the bidirectional flow, you think the Midi Solution Merger can not handle it? It will not pass through to the output? Darn!
That's correct, the MIDI Merger is unidirectional only. It might be able to be modified to connect pins 1 and 3 from one of the input jacks to the output jack, but I have not seen the insides of one to know for sure.
Ok, I'll look if I can find a bidirectional Midi Merger, or order one and do some mods. The idea was to use my GT16 simultaneously with a wireless midi connection and the FracPad app. Welcome to any idea!
I use MS boxes and they work wonders, but havent found a bi-directional midi device like you are looking. Perhaps using the wireless on the input side of the gt, and allowing it to pass thru the axe on its way to your destination? Or maybe useing it on the output side of the axe, depends on which way you wanted. Let us know how it goes, trial and error are costly. I have run many midi inputs into my pedal while using bidi out to my axe, then catching it again on the axe thru. Im sure theres a workaround for ya, just how many boxes and cables it gna take? keep us posted.