Mini FX Gizmo X - something that'd really help me ...


Active Member
Hey Ron, would it be possible in a future firmware update to change the setting on the Tuner Out so that it doesn't defeat the main Output ?

I've just put a noise gate in my amp loop - a Fortin Zuul, which takes a 'clean' guitar signal into what they call the 'key input' to control the gate. So my plan had been to use the Tuner Out as a second output to the 'key', but of course I then discovered that as soon as I selected Tuner Out, the guitar disappeared completely because selecting Tuner Out automatically turns off the main Output (doh !).

If that feature's not possible, my only other thought is to set the main Output to stereo, and use an XY Insert Cable so I can select one or both of the Stereo out channels. (The reason being I only use the noise gate on certain patches - as you'd expect, typically high gain situations, not clean; so being a bit OCD, I'd like to be able turn off the signal to the noise gate 'key' when I don't need it.)

But if I go down this alternative route, using the stereo Output feature, will that cause other problems ? Eg is the level at the Output the same when set to mono as for one of the stereo channels ?

There's a setting in Global Settings: "Mute when tuner output active". Turn that off and it'll fix it for you.