MMGT not receiving Tap Tempo from Axe-FX III?


New Member
Hey everyone! First time poster, but long time MMGT16 user! In fact, I believe I have the first GT/16 that ever came to Canada.

I recently had to re-setup my GT16 with my Axe-FX, and I've forgotten most things about set up, so I'm slowly re-learning everything, haha.

Something I've noticed is that after setup, I can't create a tempo from within the Axe-FX and have the GT16 receive it. Whatever tempo the GT is on dictates the tempo always. I can't, for example, manually enter a tempo in the axe-fx and have the GT sync up to it. Once I do, it immediately goes back to the tempo of the GT.

What settings do I have to change in order to make this communication bi-directional? Most other functions are bi-directional in communication (such as bypassing and engaging effects blocks).

Thanks for the help!
Tempo can't be bidirectional, you have to choose which device is in charge. Make sure MIDI Clock is set to Off, and create a tap tempo button for the Axe-Fx. That should then display the tempo flashes from the Axe-Fx.
Hey. So I changed the MIDI Clock to off, but now, on the GT, the tempo bpm readout fluctuates, whereas the tempo on the axe-fx itself settles immediately. It was previously set to Auto, thus making it in charge of TEMPO, but I noticed that upon first bootup, and sometimes when switch presets, it wouldn't flash until I start tapping.
I didn't know you were trying to measure BPM. The tempo flashes sent by the Axe-Fx III aren't terribly accurate, so measuring the BPM from them doesn't produce a consistent result.

Setting MIDI Clock to Receive in the GT should work better than Auto, it's worth trying.