Mute MMGT22 for outboard tuner w/ IA button via Effects Gizmo

Big Lid

Well-Known Member
I've got the old Effects Gizmo, had the Mini X w/ the built in turner but needed more channels. The pedals that I have are a couple H9's and vocal processor. My tuner is in the rack, it runs all the time, I'd like to dedicate a button on the MMGT and stop all output so that I can quietly tune.
You'll need to use an Effect Gizmo loop for that. Connect the loop send to the tuner, then plug a 1/4-inch plug into the loop return. Ideally, the 1/4-inch plug would have the tip shorted to ground internally, to prevent noise. Then, when that loop is activated, the signal will be routed to the tuner and not to the rest of the rig.