Need Help with Having at Least 1 Button in a Group Always Lit/Selected

I'm getting really frustrated trying to get this to work. I'm working on setting up my RC-600 looper with the GT16.

There are 6 buttons I set up on my GT16 for Track1-6 Play/Stop. On the looper one of them is always selected even if nothing's playing. On the GT16 I have these 6 buttons grouped together in Group 1. I would like my Track1 Play/Stop button lit/selected by default just like how Track1 is the selected track by default on the RC-600. However, these all of the 6 Track1-6 Play/Stop buttons always start off as unlit. I have to then press one of them to get one of them selected, but that then activates the Play/Stop for that track which is not what I want to do yet.

What I'm trying for is like how with the GT16 deals with Scenes from my FM3. There are 8 Scenes, but 1 Scene is always lit/selected no matter what. The only way I've been kind of able to do this is by having Track1 Play/Stop selected in the Presets. This will have the track selected, but this will actually start playing the loop when I change into this Preset/Song, which is something I don't want.

So how can I have it so that one of these buttons in this group is always lit/selected on the GT16 as it is on the looper and without it automatically playing when I change Presets/Songs or having to press on of them but have to deal with the playing? I'm sure the solution will take like 10 seconds to implement, but I've already wasted hours of my weekend reading the manual, scrubbing through videos, and searching the forums and I still can't figure it out.
In the Globals tab's Group Settings section, select Group 1, then uncheck "Allow All Buttons Off". That'll fix it.