One side effects


Well-Known Member
Hi, I play with a stereo rig and I'd like to use the effects on one side only when i need, just as Van Halen did. I've a Hardwire Chorus pedal, two Line6 M5 and a EHX Cathedral, all in stereo. Can I do this by my Pbc?
Yes, put those pedals in loops 7-10. Put the "Mono -> Stereo (out)" button and the "Mono Output" button in the IN position. Connect Output B to the amp that you want to have effects. Connect Output 5-6 to the amp that you don't want to have effects. If you get hum coming out of the amps, turn on Iso B.
I forgot to say that i use a Pre/Power amp rig. I run my signal from Output 5/6 to the Preamp In, then I run from the Preamp Out into the Loop 7/10 IN and from the A and B output i run into the two channel of the power amp set in STEREO. Can I do It anyway?
You'll need to split the preamp output, one side goes to In 7-10, and the other directly to one side of the power amp.
Thanks. I was also thinkin about a change that maybe can help me. If i run from Pbc' s A e B OUTPUT into the INPUTS of a ROCKTRON INTELLIFEX I can go from both its OUTPUTS into the INPUTS of the power amp putting the effects only on OUTPUT LEFT or RIGHT. Is it correct?
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That would work if the Intellifex can be configured to have effects only on one side, I don't know for sure that it can. It would also be easy to go from the PBC's A output to the Intellifex and the B output straight to the power amp. That would insure that only one side has effects.
The intellifex can ruote the effects on one side only or both, so i think i’ll buy another and try to do this. Thanks for all
I Have/Had a setup like that mixing it all in a (CAE) Dual line mixer in the rack.
Ch 5-6 out from the PBC to the preamp and split back to the PBC and the mixer.
Then in channel 2 in the mixer alle the wet stuff.
That makes it possible to mix W/D in one stereo cab, or Dry in left side and Wet in Right side, or to 2 different amps.
Depending how you take it out of the mixer. So very dynamic setup.
Since the wet stuff is digital (Latency) it introduced a lot og phasing problems in the mixer between the D/W
In some setup the mix worked like a charm but sometimes it just phased out a lot of the signal.
I recently changed it so the PBC now is the primary mixer and that works without problems.
But I do mis being able to set the overall W/D ratio on the mixer.